
Saturday, September 9, 2017

The End of Days

Heidi's mom here.

Very sad news - the saddest I could have for you.
On May 4, 2015, Heidi was euthanized.

Heidi came to the vet's office for a routine physical examination at the end of March at which time we drew blood to perform a CBC and blood chemistry tests.  Her liver values came back very abnormal - more than they have ever been in the past.

She had also been having seizures more frequently and been more "out of it" than usual.
After a short illness of just over a month, Heidi deteriorated to the point that euthanasia was the most humane thing I could choose for her.  She had no appetite, had difficulty walking, slept almost constantly, and appeared to take no pleasure in anything.  Unfortunately, this coincided with my final exams for radiography school.  I couldn't study and had made plans to take my exams a day early to be able to relax and spend a last day with my best friend.

Heidi, per her usual self, disregarded my plans and had plans of her own.  The day I was to take my final exams, Monday, May 4th, Heidi had a grand mal seizure from which she did not recover.  I rushed her to our veterinarian's office.  I used to work there and Heidi was well known - it was a sad day for a lot of people, aside from myself.  Our usual veterinarian gave her a pain medication and sedative called butorphanol just in case she was in pain.  She was only slightly responsive at this point.
After that took effect and my mother arrived, I carried her out under the shade of a tree.  My veterinarian and an assistant, both long-time friends, helped end her suffering while I held her.  She did not die alone; she died with love all around.

This has been the saddest time of my life.  Heidi had such a spark, such a personality, that I really considered her more my best friend than a dog.  I cannot express my sorrow.

I have such gratitude for the people who knew her and were involved in her care, gratitude for the people who knew how much I loved her, and gratitude for all of you readers for letting me share some of her "joie de vivre" with you.

I had Heidi's body cremated with her big, orange bone so that she will have it with her always.
Her ashes have been on the coffee table beside me since then and I eagerly await the urn I special ordered from Etsy to arrive.  In the meantime, I have a small amount of ashes inside a silver pendant so that she is always with me.

I miss her so much.  I loved her so much.  I am so thankful that the choice of euthanasia was available to end her suffering.