
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mom's POV: Heidi's Good and Bad News

Hello!  Heidi has told you all about her illness, finally.  She would not let me write about it until she broke the news.  Now, I can tell you what it was like from my point of view.  I try to be stoic, especially in front of Heidi, but the news really broke my heart a little.  Likely, this is what will ultimately make her very ill and send her off for greener pastures, something I am dreading completely.

Heidi has improved my life so much there is no way I can express that to her or to you.  She was my first puppy as an adult when I lived alone and was not working because of a hand injury.  We got to spend a lot of time together in her formative months.  She is also the only dog that I took to puppy school which is why she is the only one who obeys me at all!  Although, she is also the only one who talks back to me and orders me around.  She is too smart for me - she always has been.  So, clearly, she is the reason my life has been as good as it has been.  And, clearly, the thought of not having her in my life scares the patooties out of me.

On to what is wrong with her: her body is really good at making mast cell tumors as she's had 7 removed so far.  Now, the new, bad problem is that her kidneys are having trouble filtering properly.

I started writing this over a month ago and I just couldn't bring myself to finish.
Heidi is doing well on her prescription kidney diet.  Although she is still having accidents while I am away from the house, the uses the pads every time.  Well, every time I remember to put one down.