
Friday, June 8, 2012

May 13-15 Beach Time!

Mom's friend made us go to the beach again.  Squeezed into a little station wagon, Mom, her friend, her friend's two kids, the three dogs and I took off for sandy pleasures.  I sat on mom's lap most of the ride down there.  It was a bit uncomfortable, but I really like to help navigate and keep an eye on traffic.

We made it in one piece.  Since we arrived at night, we had to wait until the morning to go to the beach.  The first day was cold, windy, and cloudy which makes for a not-so-good beach experience.  But that's my opinion.  The kids still had a great time and even got wet in the freezing water.  I could tell from touching the wet sand that it was too cold for my taste.

Here's a couple of picture of mom's friend and her two kids.

They are soaking wet - how can they stand it??

I did get a little, decent frisbee action on Sunday.  There was only one good picture because mom forgot to empty her sd card before we left for the beach.

Edgar also got to go over for a little bit to enjoy the weather and ocean.  He prefers to sniff around instead of play, but I guess he can do what he wants.  We are very different in that respect - he just doesn't get the lure of the frisbee.

We had a great time.  Mom has spoiled us this spring with a couple of trips to the beach.  We usually only get one good one in August, but we got lucky this year.  Hope she keeps it up!


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