
Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Our beloved dogsitter has left.  Mom is home.  We miss the dogsitter.

No, really, sometimes I think Mom gets a little lazy with us.  Maybe it's just that the dogsitter is "newer" than mom.  I don't know, but I do know that when she is here, it's a party every night.
Sorry mom...Love ya!

The dogsitter sent mom a message yesterday asking if we missed her yet.  I had to laugh at that.  I like the "yet". We miss her as soon as she closes the front door behind her.  But, mom, nothing to worry about - we do love you, I promise.  Anyway, mom relayed the message to the dogsitter that Bentley was beside himself that she had left.  It was a bit of a fib.  He's upset, but he's not that upset.  Mom just likes to make the dogsitter feel good.  Although, it's true that Bentley did cry himself to sleep Sunday night.  And it's true that Mojo tried to console him.    Ok.  So, I guess it's true that Bentley was a bit beside himself when the dogsitter left.  They do have a very close relationship.

Well, so, Mom's home from her horse massage therapy class.  I offered to pretend to be a horse for her to practice.  Ha!  She actually said no.  The things I try to do for her are so overlooked.

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