
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mast Cell Tumor On My Head

Mom made me go to the vet today to have a tiny, little bump checked out.  It's on the top of my forehead right on the border of my big spot.  She noticed the bump a week or two ago and thought it was a scab from a random wound.  After the wound should have been gone, the bump was still there.  Mom kept squeezing it and touching it. She always gets a little too nosy and touchy-feely.

I kept trying to tell her it was just a bump.  She kept trying to tell herself it was just a cyst.  It turns out mom and I should always follow her gut.  The vet said it is a mast cell tumor.


I have to get it cut out of my head.  We're going in Monday to have it done.  I've already told mom what I want to do this weekend in case the anesthesia doesn't go well.  We're very similar in that respect - we both overreact to anesthesia and surgery.  It is very safe.  Really.

But, there is that extremely rare chance that something could go wrong.  So, I want to play lots of frisbee and eat a really good meal on Sunday night.  I would love to go to the dog bakery but we don't have one where we live.

Here's the really crazy thing - mom used to work at the vet's office.  One of the women whom she used to work with has a dog named after a Native American tribe called Shoshone.  She has a mast cell tumor on her head too!  She had hers removed today and is doing well.

SO, keep your paws crossed for the two of us.

1 comment:

  1. I will keep my fingers, legs, toes and arms all crossed!
