
Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall Is Here

We had one of the last good, warm weekends before the cold settles in for a while.  Saturday, one of mom's friends and her daughter came over to go to some arts and crafts festival.  I don't really know what that is, but it seems like they had fun.  At least, they drank enough wine that it should have been fun.

I have been able to train the little girl to throw the frisbee for me.  It's a pretty good deal: I play frisbee with the kid and mom gets to play with her friend.

When the friend and her daughter were leaving, Bentley ran out the front door.  So did I.  No one saw me though.  I had heard about a surprise party next door at the neighbor's house.  The neighbor had invited us to come over for some food, so, I went over to check it out.  As soon as I ran in, everybody yelled "Surprise!" except the neighbor who said "Whose dog is that?"  After a minute she realized it was just me.  Sadly, she swooped me up and carried me home.  Apparently, the invitation was not extended to me or the dogs.
What snotty neighbors.

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