
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

Wet Grass.  AGAIN!

So, I had to start playing inside today.  Mom and I played chase and grab which included lots of play bows and growling.  I like playing with mom when she's sad.  I know it cheers her up to see me in a puppy mood.  After that foolishness we played with one of those stuffed toys that's long and skinny.  This one is a chipmunk and our cousin Spencer gave it to us a while ago.  Mom and I had fun this evening.  I like making her happy, even when she annoys me.

Give it to me!

What is this white thing in the hallway?  Mom?
Heidi's mom here - That white thing is for my physical therapy.  Heidi snickers at me when I have to balance on it.  Then, everyone else gets going and it's really annoying!
Anyway, I just wanted to add a picture of Edgar.  He never looks at the camera so it is hard to get a good one of him.  I like the picture below because you can see his eyes and in his eyes you can see me taking the picture.  Neato.


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