
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Euthanasia: Why Should I stay?

When taking your pet to the vet's office for euthanasia, there is the choice of staying with your pet for the euthanasia or dropping off your pet and leaving.

Has your pet been a good companion?  Does he have funny little quirks that make you feel better when you are sad?  Has he stuck by you through thick and thin?

I can only say one thing when given this choice - stay with your pet.

Euthanasia is hard to deal with for many people.  No part of this process is easy.  Having been present at euthanasias where the owner stayed and at ones where the owner was gone, I can easily say that your pet knows the difference.  They know if you are there or not.  It is heartbreaking to euthanize someone's pet when they are all alone.  Being in the hospital without you is scary - there are loud noises, strange people, and weird smells.  They don't know anyone and are scared.  Would you want to die that way?  Or would you rather have your spouse, parents, children, friends with you?

Having worked in several animal hospitals, I have a great deal of experience with euthanasia.  When the owner is present, the pet is more relaxed and less frightened.  The pet can be held and cradled and loved to the end.  This also gives the owners a chance to grieve, really grieve.  It is a chance to say goodbye with your pet, not to him.

In a busy hospital, the owner present with the pet insures that the euthanasia will take place in a timely manner.  Many times, I have helped with euthanasias that take place at the end of the day when there is a spare minute to do it.  If the pet was dropped off in the morning, then he has had to sit there all day wondering why he is stuck there in a little cage.  The euthanasia is usually done quickly, with little attention being paid to your pet.

Is that really what you want?  Be brave and stay!

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