
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dogsitters Rule!

Well, Mom went off in a flurry of frantic cleaning and packing.  She always has to clean before the dogsitter comes to stay.  The house is usually covered in dog hair.  (I have to admit that most of it is mine, but I can't help it.)  So, Mom's main objective is to make it look like she cleans it up more often than she does. 

Well, with all the running around cleaning everything and the laundry folding and packing going on, Edgar's anxiety went throught the roof.  Mojo, Bentley, and I don't mind when Mom goes away.  Sometimes she brings us treats back from her travels.  Edgar, on the other hand, gets anxious and pant-y when she is getting ready to leave.  I feel sorry for him, but to give him attention is to feed the behavior.  We all try to ignore it.  Unfortunately, mom gave in to his anxiety for a minute and had a chat with him which involved several hugs and kisses.  Mom is such a sucker.

Rebecca came last night to feed us and open the door for us while mom is gone.  The three dogs and I love it when she comes to stay.  Overall, she is a bit more fun than mom is.  But, maybe that's because she is only here for awhile.  She and Bentley have a special relationship.  Bentley is gay - I don't remember if I mentioned that before - so Rebecca is like his fag-hag.  Not to use a derogatory term, but it just sums up the relationship so efficiently.  He's actually quite lucky to have her.  Well, really we all benefit from her love. 

So, three cheers for Rebecca:

Hip hip hurray!  Hip hip hurray!  Hip hip hurray!

Oh yeah, mom have fun at class.  The three dogs and I miss you!

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