
Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Weather Outside IS Frightful


The past few days have been crazy.

Monday, we had an earthquake.  The biggest on the entire east coast of the U.S. since 1944.  The biggest for the region since 1897.  Mom was at work when it happened.  She said it was scary being in the basement of a big building - she thought the whole building was coming down.  Silly.  Nothing much happened here.  A few things rattled but that was it.  Edgar was a little freaked out.  I tried not to laugh at him.  We don't usually have earthquakes here, especially not one so strong, so I let him have a few minutes to collect himself and gave him a strong martini.

Tuesday, we had an aftershock around 8pm.  We were all in the den, mom included, and enjoyed the little rumble on the couch.

Wednesday night / Thursday morning, we had another aftershock.  I was sleeping in bed with mom and we felt everything shaking.  It lasted several seconds.  I thought I was dreaming, but mom confirmed it in the morning.

Thursday, we had a bad thunderstorm.  Once again, mom was in the basement of a big building and missed it all.  Edgar gets quite nervous when thunderstorms come rolling in, so he sort sticks to me like glue.  Ugh.  He's been through enough already that you would think they wouldn't scare him anymore.

C'est la vie.  What will happen tomorrow?

1 comment:

  1. Need Heidi to make me a strong martini too - - oh the stories we could share regarding those around us - - LOL.
