
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Momma's Gotta A Brand New ... Camera?

Mom came home all in a tizzy.
She bought a new camera - her first DSLR, whatever that is.  She said, "It cost a fortune, but I got a great deal!"  As if I haven't heard that before.  Anyway, she had been looking online all week which was taking precious time away from my frisbee action.  So, finally, today it is here and I get frisbee action while the battery charges.  (Thank you, battery gods.)

Mom wants to say a few words:

I did get a great deal.  I want to thank the camera gods for making me think of Crutchfield at the very last moment.  I had settled on getting a Nikon (I have to narrow down the option quickly or I get befuddled).  Then, I decided on the D5000 after many "compare" buttons on websites.  It seemed the D5100 was newer but essentially the same as the D5000.  The biggest difference was cost, so trying to be thrifty, I decided on the older model - the D5000.  The problem was, no one carried the older model in their stores, and I am a person who likes instant gratification.  Frantically calling around town with no luck, the name Crutchfield popped into my head.  Unbelievable luck: The camera gods were finally smiling down upon me.  They had the newer model for $100 dollars less than the older model!  And a sale on lenses!  And free softwares (yes, plural)!  And a free camera bag!  SO, for $50 more than I was ready to spend on the older model, I got more software and a free camera bag AND the newer model!  Unbelievable.

So, I just want to give major props to the locally-owned Crutchfield in my town.  Thank you and have a good night!

And, no, they did not pay me for this...sheesh.

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