
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lazy Hot Sunday

Not much excitement this weekend.  Naps, cookies, and some outside time - pretty relaxing generally.  Mom took some pictures of us eating ice in the backyard.  She is so weird.  I usually give her my bored, annoyed look when she insists on taking so many pictures like she was doing last night:

Not cute, and you can see my mustache.  Ugh.

Then this morning, before we got to play with the ice, mom took some pictures of us being lazy in the yard.

Mojo mid-nap
Bentley Sinclair III mid-yawn

Later in the day, mom decided to get rid of the old ice in the freezer and threw it out in the yard so we could eat it.  Edgar and I love eating ice.

Edgar Allan Poe

I love the feel of the ice on my tongue.  It's so slippery which makes it difficult to eat efficiently, but I try anyway.

Stay cool people, stay cool.

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