
Monday, August 8, 2011

Just Another Dog Blog

Since I started my blog, I've been looking for other dog's blogs just to see what's out there.  I found one called Just Another Dog Blog.  It is wonderful.  The blog features Kate and Bella.  I thought I was the most photogenic dog out there, but they really take the Kong.  Their mom takes way better photographs than my mom.  The action shots of Kate and Bella are amazing - to die for.  So, now of course, mom wants to get a better camera.  She's started doing some "research" but I figure if you buy the most expensive it's got to be the best.  She claims that I need to mind my own business as I am not the one who has to earn the money to pay for the camera.  But I beg to differ.  With my blog, I've earned $26 so far for payment of the new camera.  Mom claims that is nowhere near enough, but I'm just a dog and it's better than nothing!

So, I'm asking for assistance.  If anyone knows anything about taking action shots with a DSLR camera, please make recommendations to my mom.  I'll forward them on to her.

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