
Friday, August 5, 2011

I am 10!

I am not 100% sure what day my birthday is on, but I do know that I was born in August.  August 2001.  I am finally the perfect score that I am - 10.  A perfect 10.

We had my first* party on Monday while we were still at the beach.  Mom got a banana cupcake mix at Salty Paws Biscuits when we went Sunday.  The mix came with icing mix as well.  She baked them and everyone surprised me on the deck with the cupcakes and singing.

This picture is so fuzzy because our bedroom was so cool
and the deck was so hot - the camera lens fogged!

My family even surprised me with those horrible candles that you can't blow out.  What a stupid invention - they thought it was so funny.  I thought they were going to set the deck on fire.  My grandmother (we all call her Mimi) ran and got a pan of water so we could extinguish the candles safely.  Finally, after that was taken care of, we got to partake of the cupcakes.  YUMM!
Everybody laughed at me because I ate mine so that I had the whole top layer with the icing to eat last.

The 3 dogs I live with all ran off the deck with their cupcakes, as did my cousin Spencer.  I stayed up with family to show how appreciative I was that they threw me a party.  I ate up all my crumbs!

Then, the saddest part of the whole affair occurred.  We had to pack up and drive home.  Now, I've got PVD, as my mom calls it.  Post Vacation Depression.  She suffered from it when she came back from her vacation to Europe.  I've got it now.  I'd give anything to go back to the beach.  You want a chihuahua?  You can have one of ours if you take me to the beach.  I just want to go back so badly.

Edgar, on the other hand, couldn't wait to get home.  I don't know if you can see it by his expression, but he was so excited when mom said, "We're almost home, Edgar!"

I, on the other hand, was devastated and, as mom says, "despondent."  I'm not sleeping in this picture - I just cried the whole way home.  Mom says we'll be going back soon.  It just won't be soon enough.

*Mom swears we're going to have a big bash with all my friends before the end of the month.

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