My favorite thing in the whole world is my big orange bone. I take it to bed with us every night, get it from the bedroom every morning, and play with it every afternoon when mom gets home from work. Mom got it for me when I was very young and I've had the same one ever since.
Winter 2003. Yes, my lip is hanging on the crate. |
Winter 2004. Makes a good pillow. |
Summer 2004. Squeaky, Squeaky. |
Summer 2004. The jack is no match. |
One time, when I was napping on the couch while mom was at work, one of the dogs had diarrhea and tried to hide it by covering it with my bone. Seriously?!? I couldn't believe the lack of respect for the bone. Mom cleaned it in the washing machine, but it still grossed me out. She had to rub it in the dirt to make it less "poopy" and less clean so that I could play with it again. Several times now, after so many years, she's had to sew up little holes that have appeared. Only one of the two squeakers work. My poor bone has been through a lot, but I love it nonetheless.
Christmas 2005. Good security blanket. |
2009. Old faithful. |
*Sigh* It's hard to believe I've had it this long. Hopefully, no one does any more damage to it and I can keep it forever. Here's to you, lovely bone! Cheers!
We all need a good bone every now and then. You're a lucky pooch Heidi.