
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

THE BEACH!! cont'd

I needed to take a day to recuperate from this weekend.  Whooo!  It was fun.
So, let's see, where did I leave off?

We had Capt'n Franks for lunch and steak oscar that her brother-in-law cooked up for dinner.  Mom and some of the human family went to a place called Sweet Frog where they have a bunch of frozen yogurt flavors and help-yourself toppings.  She said it was great and that we might get to go next time we go to the beach (which can't be soon enough!).

Let's talk about frisbee.  I want frisbee, frisbee, and more frisbee.  Here's some great shots from Saturday and Sunday:

Check out the action shots that mom's dad took while mom threw for me.  Unfortunately, they're all of my side or backside.  You get the idea though.

I have to squint my eyes shut to keep the sand from getting in them when I land back to earth.

I like the one below because it shows me more in the air than the others.

I think we went to the beach to play frisbee 4 times in 2 1/2 days.  Mom was upset, because she likes to collect sea glass while I play frisbee but there wasn't any anywhere.  She got over it because she was happy that I was having so much fun.  I'm so glad she understands me - now I just have to convince her to move there!

I'm trying to be patient, but, mom, throw the frisbee already!

I like that pink house in the background.  Hint hint, mom.
It was really hot on the beach Saturday morning, but surprisingly, it did not get much hotter than it was at 8am.  Sunday was a bit rainy here and there, but we still got a session in around 9am.  Next time, I'll tell you about Sunday afternoon and our visit to the dog bakery!  Edgar got to come and we picked out some totally excellent cookies.  Yumm!

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