
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sneak One In

I just wanted to sneak an entry in while mom is away at work.

Do not tell her.

My birthday is coming up in August and I am very excited.  I'll be ten this year.  I'm really hoping for a big present, but mom hasn't dropped any hints yet.  She usually likes to tease me for a few weeks.  The only thing I know so far is that we're going to the beach for a weekend.  I love the beach.  Frisbee, sand, salty fish smells in my nose, breeze through my ears, and fresh cookies from the bakery.  What more could a girl want?
Well, except for a new collar, a couple of new frisbees, and maybe a gourmet dinner (not cooked by mom - she's a terrible cook).

Ooh, gotta go, almost time for mom to come home...

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