
Friday, July 22, 2011

Hot as DooDoo

Hot as DooDoo.  That is what my mom always says.  I don't really know what DooDoo is, but I guess it's really hot.  I've been waiting all day to play frisbee and as soon as I finally get a chance it is too hot.  I NEVER thought I would say this, but I don't want to play frisbee.  My mom asked me if I was sick as she has never seen me deny the frisbee, and I said "Yes, I'm sick of the heat."  It's spoiled this whole week.  So, Edgar and I ate some grass instead, just to be be out in the fresh air.  However, the air conditioning is beckoning.  Hold on...

Ok, better now.

First, let me tell you about grass.  Grass is good.  I eat it a lot - actually, all of us dogs eat it a lot.  The only problem is that the blades are long and skinny, so I sometimes get them stuck in my throat.  Coughing them up is unsightly and embarrassing, but necessary.  My mom steps in if it won't cough out on its own.

Second, the heat.  Now, I know everybody's sick of hearing about it.  I know I am.  A few years ago we had an early heat wave and I started feeling a little funny one night.  I love playing frisbee, so my mom and I were outside so she could throw it for me.  I started feeling weird and was having trouble concentrating on catching it.  As my mom said, I was stumbling around like a drunken sailor.  She carried me inside and put me in the tub.  I was drizzled from above as if it was raining; Cool water sprinkled on my back.  It felt soo good until a thermometer was put in my bottom.  I don't like that.  My mom explained that she needed to get my temperature to see just how much help I needed.  It was 104.9F.  So, she continued to sprinkle me with water.  I was offered water in a bowl, but, oddly, I wasn't that thirsty.  After a few minutes of cool water and a cool foot bath, I felt so much better.  My mom said my temperature was 103F, which is just a half degree above the high end of normal for me.  We went to the Emergency Hospital just to make sure I was ok.  I was.  My mom is annoying sometimes (actually a lot - don't tell her I said that), but I love how much she cares about me.
Take care everyone - avoid playing frisbee until it gets cooler and drink lots of water.  Frosty Paws and ice cubes help also!

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