
Friday, July 22, 2011

The First One

Well, I am Heidi.  I am a dog and my mom (not actually my mom, but she takes care of me and it's just easier to say than "my caregiver" or "my human") loves me a lot.  It is kind of annoying the way she stares at me all of the time.  I live with her and 3 other dogs.  They are all boys - Edgar, Mojo, and Bentley.  They are not very bright and I suspect it is because they are male; I constantly have to keep them in line.

Mojo is on the right of the top picture, Bentley is on the left, and Edgar is in the bottom picture.
Above is a picture of my mom.

Like I said, she is sort of obsessed with me and it's kind of annoying.  All I want to do is play frisbee, but she says there is other stuff we need to do.  

Well, I hope you are all staying cool and drinking lots of water.  I tried to play frisbee last night but had to fake an injury so we could go back into the air conditioning.  I didn't want my mom to know I couldn't take the heat, so don't tell!

1 comment:

  1. Go Heidi! It's about time one of us pooches gets a blog - - you're an animal. BTW your mama's kinda hot.
