
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Doctor Who

Mom went to town today to do some errands.  She left me alone with the boys.  Ugh.  She asked me if I wanted to come with her - as if.  I'm not hanging out in a boiling car as I'm not allowed in human places, which, by the way, is dumb.  Anyway, I was left alone with the three boys.  I try to keep them in line, but they are somewhat immature.  Well, I'm being nice; they are very immature.  One of them pooped right in the middle of the room and then turned around and ate it!  Of all the disgusting things in the world...Gross.  Mom says it's called coprophagy and is not a big deal if they don't have worms.  I don't care what's it's called - it's disgusting.

So, mom came home after a few hours and we took a nap on the couch.  This is one of our favorite things to do.  But, around 4:30pm I had to wake her up to make sure she wouldn't forget to feed us.  We usually eat later, but on the weekends I worry that she might forget so I start screaming at her kind of early.  We ate dinner and went out to potty.  After a few patient hours, we finally went out to play frisbee.  But, you know I hate to go on about it, but it was just too hot.  I ate grass instead.  Luckily, there was no gagging or choking tonight.
There is a thunderstorm looming somewhere nearby.  Edgar doesn't like them so he gets a little worried and sticks close to mom.  I keep telling her to get a thundershirt for him, but she has a habit of not listening to me unless I am really adamant about something (like food).  And, quite frankly, I don't care that much.  Thunderstorms are nothing to be scared of.

After escaping the heat to the luxury of air conditioning, we are stuck watching Doctor Who.  Mom likes it a lot and has watched it often.  She calls herself a sci-fi geek now.  I'd have to agree with that.

Here's to hoping we get to do something exciting tomorrow...Heidi

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