
Saturday, July 30, 2011


Mom and I snuck out at 8 this morning to go have a quick frisbee session on the beach before it got too hot.  Wow, it was great.  I wish we lived here so I could do this everyday.  The sand felt so good as it squeezed between my toes.  I had to smell some things before we could really play.  Something just smelled sublime and I had to sniff it out.  Little dead fish draped along the high tide line.  Yumm.  I sniffed out a good spot and was about to drop my neck onto it, when mom yelled at me.  She doesn't like it when I roll in dead things like that.  Poo on her.  These dead minnowy fish smell so delicious!


I caught some good throws.  I even caught one where I had to run into the surf.  The ocean scares me.  I'll be brave enough to admit it.  All that water and those waves.  The water is so dark and you can't see anything that's in it.  I've seen the stories of shark attacks on the tv - I'm not stupid.  I refuse to be a snack for a shark.  I know I'm awesome, so I must taste good, but, really, I don't want to be eaten.

After the first session, I panted for a while.
It was too hot for 8am.
We came back to the house once mom got too hot.  That didn't take long.  She has a very low threshold for heat.  Then, surprise surprise, we went back again 2 hours later.  It turns out that it didn't really get any hotter.   Mom's camera batteries died just as we got over, so no good pics of me catching the frisbee or the horror of being carried into the ocean.  Every single year mom does this to us; she carries each of us dogs into the water and makes sure we know how to swim.  We always tell her we can, but she won't listen to us.

Off for the second round.
So now we must go eat lunch.  Capt'n Franks hot dog and cheese fries for mom.  If I'm lucky, I'll get a taste.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Birthdays are Great

Mom's been hogging the computer - it is so annoying.
Oh, Moms.  A necessary evil!

I've been waiting all day, laying on the couch doing nothing.  I count the minutes until frisbee time.
Finally, my mom comes home and she wants to eat dinner!  Of all things!
Well, I hate to say it (I can't even believe I'm going to admit it) but it is still too hot.  I pant and pant, but the humidity makes it difficult to cool down.  My mom worries about me overheating, so she makes me come inside to get water.  She laughs at me when I get so focused on the frisbee that every muscle in my body is quivering.  I can't help it!  I've been waiting all day.

Anyway, the whole family is going to the beach for a few days to relax.  I can't wait.  Mom let it slip last night that we are going to have a birthday party for me.  I'm so excited.  Fresh cookies, frisbee time on the beach, and naps in the sun...Perfect vacation.
Here's a picture of mom and me after some frisbee time.  Like my doggles?

Why Does It Cost So Much To Go To The Vet?

Heidi's mom, Kim, here to let you all know another reason veterinary care costs so much.

(This is part two - part one is titled "Time to Take Control".)

The first reason that we discussed was the employment of trained technical staff, in the form of licensed veterinary technicians.  It is their job to support the veterinarians, with their training, for the care of your pets.

The second reason that we will discuss is the cost of research and development of drugs.  Any drug or pharmaceutical used by a medical doctor or veterinarian must be developed, proven to be effective, and do the job it is meant to do without causing harm.  

R&D, as it is called in the industry, costs billions of dollars a year.  One prescription medication can cost millions to hundreds of millions of dollars to research and develop and bring to market.  What about when all of that is done and the drug is proven to be ineffective or harmful?  All of that money is wasted!  The drug/research companies must recoup that money somehow, so count that cost into the price of the drugs that make it to market.

Veterinary drugs are generally bought by the pet owner directly from the veterinarian.  Human patients buy their prescriptions from pharmacies.  Pharmacies are able to buy most of their drugs in large, bulk quantities because that is all they do.  When you go to the pharmacy, you are buying a drug that was bought with a bulk discount and you likely have insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid to help you pay for it.  
Veterinarians have a much smaller population to sell their prescription drugs to, so they can not partake of the great discounts that pharmacies are able to offer.  Most pet owners do not have insurance for their pets, so the prescription they buy from the pharmacy is full price; there is no copay or coinsurance to reduce your out of pocket cost.  

When I go to the pharmacy I receive a slip that shows all of the information on the label, such as the drug name, prescribing doctor, etc.  One other thing that is included on this is what the cost of the drug would be for me to pay, what the insurance pays, and what is left for me to actually pay (the copay).  For most of my drugs it is $6 for generics, $24 for some brand name drugs, and $48 for more expensive brand name drugs.  One of the drugs that I buy costs me $48 a month.  If I did not have insurance the same drug would cost me almost $300 a month.  If I had to pay that every month, I would be homeless.  So, it seems reasonable that the special antibiotic or anti-inflammatory that your pet needs might cost more than your copay at the pharmacy.  

But it's just a (insert animal of choice here)!  Why does it cost so much.?!?!
Because of the R&D - so it's safe for your loved pet.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My First Bath

Since we're talking about my birthday, here's a picture 
of my first bath when I was 8 weeks old.  
Am I not the cutest pup you've ever seen???  I only weighed 3 pounds that day.  Oh, the carefree days of youth.  Sigh.

Sneak One In

I just wanted to sneak an entry in while mom is away at work.

Do not tell her.

My birthday is coming up in August and I am very excited.  I'll be ten this year.  I'm really hoping for a big present, but mom hasn't dropped any hints yet.  She usually likes to tease me for a few weeks.  The only thing I know so far is that we're going to the beach for a weekend.  I love the beach.  Frisbee, sand, salty fish smells in my nose, breeze through my ears, and fresh cookies from the bakery.  What more could a girl want?
Well, except for a new collar, a couple of new frisbees, and maybe a gourmet dinner (not cooked by mom - she's a terrible cook).

Ooh, gotta go, almost time for mom to come home...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Time to Take Control

I introduced my mom in a previous post and she knew I started a blog, but like most parents busy with life, she didn't pay that much attention to it.  Until now.  She suddenly wants to "get involved" and has asked if she can type for me.  She says that the Hunt and Paw technique of typing is getting on her nerves.  In the spirit of compromise, we have made an agreement.  She will type and occasionally post things herself and I get to keep the blog going.  Since most of us are born with parents, I'm sure you can all understand where I'm coming from when I would like to say "butt out, mom."

Mom has requested a chance to talk to you about her job as a Licensed Veterinary Technician as a lot of people have no idea what that is.

HI everybody.  My name is Kim and I am Heidi's mom.  I would really like it if she would stop calling me her servant, but she won't as she thinks it is very funny.  I, however, do not see the amusement in this.  At least she has not done it in front of you all.

As Heidi said, I would like to tell you what a Licensed Veterinary Technician does.  LVT's (sometimes called RVT or CVT) are first and foremost animal lovers.  (We certainly don't do it for the money.)  We have a minimum of two years of intense training as well as a foundation in English, Math, and Science.  

We must sit for and pass a national test and, depending on the state, a state exam as well.  We receive our licenses from the state's Department of Health Professions.  This is the same department that licenses physicians, nurses, and veterinarians.  Some states do not have licensing for veterinary technicians which means that the person who is monitoring your pet under anesthesia has likely not had any formal training.

We learn how to administer anesthesia and monitor an animal while it is anesthetized, how to perform labwork (including CBC, chemistry profile, fecal tests, urinalysis, cytology, etc.), how to position animals properly for taking radiographs (X-rays), and how to do a complete physical examination.  Basically, we can do everything except diagnose, perform surgery, or prescribe medications.  The human equivalent would be a registered nurse, including a lab tech, a radiology tech, an anesthesia tech, a counselor, a dental hygienist, a trainer, a pharmacy tech, and sometimes a friend all rolled into one.

So you can see, an LVT can do a lot.  Most people don't know what we are capable of, including our employers.  Next time you go to your veterinarian's office, ask to meet the Licensed Vet Techs.  If the office does not employ any, you may want to think twice about who is really watching out for your beloved pet.  

Get educated and stay informed!

Let's consider this part one of "What does an LVT do for you?" and "Why does it cost so much to go to the vet?"

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Doctor Who

Mom went to town today to do some errands.  She left me alone with the boys.  Ugh.  She asked me if I wanted to come with her - as if.  I'm not hanging out in a boiling car as I'm not allowed in human places, which, by the way, is dumb.  Anyway, I was left alone with the three boys.  I try to keep them in line, but they are somewhat immature.  Well, I'm being nice; they are very immature.  One of them pooped right in the middle of the room and then turned around and ate it!  Of all the disgusting things in the world...Gross.  Mom says it's called coprophagy and is not a big deal if they don't have worms.  I don't care what's it's called - it's disgusting.

So, mom came home after a few hours and we took a nap on the couch.  This is one of our favorite things to do.  But, around 4:30pm I had to wake her up to make sure she wouldn't forget to feed us.  We usually eat later, but on the weekends I worry that she might forget so I start screaming at her kind of early.  We ate dinner and went out to potty.  After a few patient hours, we finally went out to play frisbee.  But, you know I hate to go on about it, but it was just too hot.  I ate grass instead.  Luckily, there was no gagging or choking tonight.
There is a thunderstorm looming somewhere nearby.  Edgar doesn't like them so he gets a little worried and sticks close to mom.  I keep telling her to get a thundershirt for him, but she has a habit of not listening to me unless I am really adamant about something (like food).  And, quite frankly, I don't care that much.  Thunderstorms are nothing to be scared of.

After escaping the heat to the luxury of air conditioning, we are stuck watching Doctor Who.  Mom likes it a lot and has watched it often.  She calls herself a sci-fi geek now.  I'd have to agree with that.

Here's to hoping we get to do something exciting tomorrow...Heidi


I need to introduce my mom as she is the one who makes everything possible.  She pays for everything - food, beds, frisbees, and treats.  And now that I have a blog - it's important to note that she pays for the computer and internet as well.  Without all that, I might be just a dog.  A plain, old dog.
SO, her name is Kim and she is a Licensed Veterinary Technician and works with research animals.  Now, before you go freaking out, her job is to make sure the animals are taken care of and get the attention they deserve.  I have to commend her for that as I know it's not easy.  She also does animal massage therapy and owns a business called Blue Ridge Animal Massage.  Mom is certified in canine massage therapy and is working on getting certified in equine (horse) massage too.  I love her.  Here she is:

Hi everybody.  I'm glad to see that Heidi is keeping you all up to date with her life.  I am a little tired of trying to fulfill all her needs.  Heidi turns 10 in August, so she has me planning a big party.  She is so demanding.  But you know, if I didn't have her, I'd be lost.  She keeps me in line and on track.  -Kim

OK, enough about her. Back to me.  Here are some pictures from my sixth birthday party at the beach.  I love the beach - perfect for frisbee.

I got the Doggles for my birthday.  They were great - kept the sand out of my eyes when I went diving for the frisbee on the beach.

My eyes look a little crazy in these two, but what can you do?
I got a giant cookie from the Salty Paws Barkery in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and the woman there gave me this purple hat because I am so cute (I must be because everybody says so).

Peace out, bitches (bitch is the actual term for a female dog - crazy), Heidi

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hot as DooDoo

Hot as DooDoo.  That is what my mom always says.  I don't really know what DooDoo is, but I guess it's really hot.  I've been waiting all day to play frisbee and as soon as I finally get a chance it is too hot.  I NEVER thought I would say this, but I don't want to play frisbee.  My mom asked me if I was sick as she has never seen me deny the frisbee, and I said "Yes, I'm sick of the heat."  It's spoiled this whole week.  So, Edgar and I ate some grass instead, just to be be out in the fresh air.  However, the air conditioning is beckoning.  Hold on...

Ok, better now.

First, let me tell you about grass.  Grass is good.  I eat it a lot - actually, all of us dogs eat it a lot.  The only problem is that the blades are long and skinny, so I sometimes get them stuck in my throat.  Coughing them up is unsightly and embarrassing, but necessary.  My mom steps in if it won't cough out on its own.

Second, the heat.  Now, I know everybody's sick of hearing about it.  I know I am.  A few years ago we had an early heat wave and I started feeling a little funny one night.  I love playing frisbee, so my mom and I were outside so she could throw it for me.  I started feeling weird and was having trouble concentrating on catching it.  As my mom said, I was stumbling around like a drunken sailor.  She carried me inside and put me in the tub.  I was drizzled from above as if it was raining; Cool water sprinkled on my back.  It felt soo good until a thermometer was put in my bottom.  I don't like that.  My mom explained that she needed to get my temperature to see just how much help I needed.  It was 104.9F.  So, she continued to sprinkle me with water.  I was offered water in a bowl, but, oddly, I wasn't that thirsty.  After a few minutes of cool water and a cool foot bath, I felt so much better.  My mom said my temperature was 103F, which is just a half degree above the high end of normal for me.  We went to the Emergency Hospital just to make sure I was ok.  I was.  My mom is annoying sometimes (actually a lot - don't tell her I said that), but I love how much she cares about me.
Take care everyone - avoid playing frisbee until it gets cooler and drink lots of water.  Frosty Paws and ice cubes help also!

The First One

Well, I am Heidi.  I am a dog and my mom (not actually my mom, but she takes care of me and it's just easier to say than "my caregiver" or "my human") loves me a lot.  It is kind of annoying the way she stares at me all of the time.  I live with her and 3 other dogs.  They are all boys - Edgar, Mojo, and Bentley.  They are not very bright and I suspect it is because they are male; I constantly have to keep them in line.

Mojo is on the right of the top picture, Bentley is on the left, and Edgar is in the bottom picture.
Above is a picture of my mom.

Like I said, she is sort of obsessed with me and it's kind of annoying.  All I want to do is play frisbee, but she says there is other stuff we need to do.  

Well, I hope you are all staying cool and drinking lots of water.  I tried to play frisbee last night but had to fake an injury so we could go back into the air conditioning.  I didn't want my mom to know I couldn't take the heat, so don't tell!